C&C Design Studio

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What is a Venue Walk-through?

C&C Design Studio / Queen Anne's Loft

From choosing your venue to confirming final details, here’s everything you need to know about venue walk-throughs.

Why is a venue walk-through important?

A venue walkthrough helps the couple visualize where everything will be during their day and helps then understand what makes this venue stand out from others. A venue walkthrough allows the couple to see all the aspects of the venue and how everything truly looks up close and in person.

What should a couple expect when attending a venue walk-through?

Couples can expect to see all parts of the venue in a tour tailored to what they're looking for along with the policies of the venue and how they run things. Additionally, couples would get the chance to ask questions about the venue, their offerings, and the vendors they suggest.

What will be covered during a venue walk-through?

During this walkthrough, you'll hear about the venue's policies, the setups and takedowns they will be performing and helpful information regarding their pricing and further understanding of how much you'd like included in your big day. Additionally, they'd go over what would be available for you during the day and the preferred vendors in the area.

When should a venue walk-through be scheduled?

Let's go over the process – so, you're engaged (yay!), you should start building a list of venues you love and learning their pricing and deciding which of your "love list" are possible, you might have to inquire to learn about pricing or some will have it on their website.

Also, inquire ≠ walkthrough, you get to pick if you want to continue the booking process.

Once you've got your list of ones you love and are within the realm of possibility, you should reach out and request a walkthrough asap, especially if your date is a Saturday as Saturday dates book up quick.

Do you need to do a walk-through before booking your venue?

In short, no, most venues won't turn down your booking unless they're booked.

However, we highly suggest it, as this is a chance for you to see the whole venue and understand if it's right for you.

Who should be at your venue walk-through?

The people who are making the decisions, here is my recommended list;

  • You
  • Your soon-to-be partner
  • Your parents
  • Your bridesmaid whose opinion you trust

What questions should I ask?

We have a blog coming out dedicated to that – click here to know when it's published :)