C&C Design Studio

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10 Must-Have Items for Your Wedding

Here are the ten things every bride needs but almost every bride forgets at home;

1 – A good looking hanger, yes, a hanger. Your expensive dress looks really bad on that white wire hanger. Get one that says "Bride" or just one that's wooden and looks good.

2 – A Handheld Steamer, your dress is going to have a wrinkle in it, if not, the veil will – irons will burn the fabric (we've seen it happen, yikes!) a steamer does the job perfectly!

3 – Your Checkbook, you won't remember how many things you forgot to pay in full until the vendor walks up to you looking for the cash – a checkbook makes paying the final invoice easy!

4 – Backup Phone Charger, whatever type of phone you have, it will die. And, most of the time you'll not have time to plug it in somewhere, or you'll plug it and forget it! Here is a cheap phone charger that does the trick;

5 – Double Stick Tape, if you have a dress without straps you need to buy this in bulk, double stick tape is your best friend for the whole day!

6 – A Morning of Playlist, getting married is an all day party, so have your party animal bridesmaid (you know which one) craft the perfect hype-it-up playlist!

7 – A Bluetooth Speaker, whether it's for the morning of playlist, the bus/limo ride or the pictures in the park, a bluetooth speaker comes in handy!

8 – Safety Pins, a lot of them, safety pins are underplayed when it comes to weddings, I cannot tell you how many times something has gone wrong during a wedding and the one thing we needed more of was safety pins.

9 – Scissors, you don't realize how many things have strings on them until you go to a hotel without scissors.

10 – Comfortable Flats, yes, those heels make you look like Beyonce, however, Beyonce was also right when she said "Pretty Hurts" and you will be wanting a nice pair of flats that you can dance the night away in.