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Tips for Improving Your Winter Wedding Health

There are many advantages to having a winter wedding. Besides points for originality, you’ll have more availability in venue booking, no fear of your guests having wedding-season-fatigue, and no one in your wedding party will have to worry about sweating through their tuxedos or layered dresses. However, the winter months also bring a whole new set of challenges for both your physical and mental health, which can be hard to balance while still getting everything set for the big day. Here are some tips for you to maintain your overall winter health so you can stay on top of the wedding planning process.

Skin Care

Once that temperature drops, the moisture in the air that you complained about all summer suddenly makes its absence known by drying out your skin. This will likely be one of the first things you’ll notice your body does in reaction to the seasonal shift. But with all the hugging, dancing, and handshaking you’re bound to be doing on the big day, you certainly don’t want to have to worry about dry, itchy, uncomfortable skin. So besides using a moisturizer that’s right for you, what can you do? One organic way to keep your skin from drying out is to stay hydrated. The recommended 8 glasses a day is more than just a myth; it can help you eliminate toxins in your skin and give it a radiant glow. Exactly the kind of look you want on your wedding day!

Mouth Care

You would be hard pressed to find someone who can say they felt absolutely no stress during their wedding planning process. Planning a winter wedding means exposure to cold weather which can lower your immune system, and also leave you exhausted and fatigued. And as you may know; stress, a lowered immune system, and fatigue are all things that can can cause something you definitely don’t want on your wedding day: cold sores. Can you imagine your “kiss the bride” moment being ruined by a something so preventable? If you know you’re prone to cold sores then you need to be ready to act fast when you feel one coming. Fortunately, top cold sore medications like valacyclovir are now available online

Mental Care

As exciting as wedding planning can be, Seasonal Affective Disorder is real and can put a damper on any positive vibes you may be hoping to have this winter. There are many suggested ways to try and conquer this disorder, including simple lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. If these ideas work for you then that’s great, but don’t be afraid to seek out professional therapeutic help if your symptoms of depression continue, or worsen.

See this content in the original post

Holiday Care

If your wedding is anywhere close to Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years, you’ll be challenged with navigating the standard holiday stress on top of the typical stress that comes from planning a wedding! How can you best balance all the shopping, cooking, traveling, and family, while still keeping your planning schedule on track? Three simple words: ask for help. There are only so many hours in the day, and you can only do so much. This can be prime time for leaning on your partner to help divide up tasks and lighten your load. Maybe they can take all the holiday prep while you stay on wedding duty? Or split everything down the middle: they shop, you wrap? Just remember that you are not an all-powerful being and you can’t handle everything on your own.